
As the satire columnist for the English edition of ukrant.nl, I'm technically a professional writer, which is the funniest thing to come out of that job.

In addition to coming up with a dumb joke once every two weeks, I also write things for fun. This is a blog for those half baked ideas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Running in the cold

Right around this time last year I was training for the Colfax Marathon. It was part of a high school project, and fortunately I had the class it was for during first period. So for a long time, every other day I would run 10k to school. It was great fun, but hella cold. Like, snowstorm cold. So I bought some leggings and a good long sleeved running shirt.

The shirt and leggings haven't seen much use recently thoug, because the weather's been pretty nice, and I've kind of avoided running in bad weather.

So today, when I donned my cold weather garb thinking that since there's snow on the ground it was cold enough to warrant it, I was in for a surprise.

I ended up being hot. Thankfully there was a sort of critical mass of hotness, where my sweat was cooling me down enough to keep me just under "uncomfortably hot".

That's what I did today.

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