
As the satire columnist for the English edition of ukrant.nl, I'm technically a professional writer, which is the funniest thing to come out of that job.

In addition to coming up with a dumb joke once every two weeks, I also write things for fun. This is a blog for those half baked ideas.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Dr. Todd's adventure

The strange creature snapped up Dr. Todd and trotted off with him clutched between its jaws.
"Oh dear." groaned the doctor after realizing his predicament, "Wouldn't you kindly put me down?"
The creature said nothing. Its humid breath rushed around his shell and fogged in the cold air. Doctor Todd suspected that he might have gagged if he was possessed of a better sense of smell.
"Hold on a minute!" said the doctor to himself suddenly, "I've studied these creatures: It must be a penguin who has mistaken me for a rock, and now plans to add me to his nest!"
"I'm not a penguin." said the penguin.
"AAH!" screamed Todd, "A talking penguin!"
"Are you done Todd?" asked the penguin which insisted it wasn't.
"Are we not in fact in the arctic?" asked doctor Todd.
"No. We're in new England. Also I'm not a penguin." said the penguin
"No... I'm quite certain we are in the arctic, and that you're a penguin." said the doctor indignantly, "I do have a PhD you know."
"Penguins live in the Antarctic, Todd"
"Yes alright Jerry." snapped Todd. "Can't I have a little fun every once in awhile? Christ."
Jerry chuckled and trotted back to their yard. On the porch a worried looking boy was peering into the flower pots
The boy looked up, "There you are Jerry! Good boy! What have you got there?"
Jerry dropped Dr. Todd on the porch. The boy shrieked with excitement.
"Mom! Look! Jerry found the doctor!" yelled the boy through the screen door.
"It's a good thing we have Jerry." called back his mother, "That turtle gets lost so often it's like he thinks he's an adventurer or something!"
Jerry wagged his tail, and watched as the happy boy carried Todd, who was grumbling something about how he WAS an adventurer, inside.

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